Sunday, 28 April 2024

Thank You for signing-up for a Neverworld Grid Account!


ATTENTION: If you are new here, please complete the Registration and INCLUDE avatar name and choose a starter

avatar. This will be your in-world account accessible through your Opensim client. (ie: Firestorm Viewer).


 IF you already have an in-world avatar and are only signing-up for the website to complete your experience, then leave the avatar name BLANK and do NOT select a starter avatar.


Once completed, you will receive an email which you MUST use to validate your email.


You will then be directed to the log-in page for the website where you can log-in and access your in-world account details.




Website User Registration
To protect our site from spam, please answer a simple question.
How many 9's are in the number: 1,347,237?
Avatar Account Details
User Profile
The date of birth entered should use the format Year-Month-Day, ie 0000-00-00