Opensim Grid Status
Grid Status: Online
Total Regions: 384
Today visitors: 157
Visitors (30 Days): 1002
Total Residents: 2307
Online Now: 13
Hypergriders online: 2
Neverworld Regions
Region: Loc X: Loc Y:
A Touch of Heaven 10191 10200
Advantis 10098 10098
Aerealities 9956 10002
Albas 12032 12052
Alexandra 10176 10000
All Free Shopping Spree 9973 10089
Amusement Park 9994 9995
Ancient Lands 9965 10097
Angel Kisses 9990 10004
Angel Kisses II 9992 10004
Angel Kisses III 9992 10003
Angel Kisses IV 9993 10003
Angel's Retreat 9994 10005
Anvil Oasis 9901 9899
Aqua Lands 9969 10093
AquilaWorld 10008 10007
Arabellos Veil 9960 10008
AresSim 10012 10012
Arizona 1860 10009 9900
Arles 15000 15000
Arutha 10044 10045
Ashley 10120 1010
Aspen Homesites 10016 10021
Audubon Lands 9969 10085
Auroras Paradise 10001 10007
Austen 10123 10121
Avalon East 10198 10198
Aviana 10640 10640
Azure Lands 9957 10089
Bainbridge Island 12034 12039
Barefoot Lands 9961 10089
Bearpaw Pass 10168 10182
Ben Nevis 10030 10000
Bioluminiscent Bay PR 10222 10222
Birch Grove Autumn 9989 9953
Birch Grove Spring 9993 9957
Birch Grove Summer 9993 9953
Birch Grove Winter 9989 9957
Birchwood 10010 10021
Blacksmith Breeze 9898 9899
blank 9999 9995
BloodMoon 9988 9999
Blue Hills 9982 10000
Blue Ice 1000 10034
Blue River 9973 10097
Borric 10044 10046
Bountiful City 9985 10093
Brandy Island 10000 10007
Broderick 1015 1015
Bronte 10121 10121
BT Ultra Music Club 10012 10023
Builders Classroom 10010 10010
Button 9998 10036
Caddo Lake 10010 10019
Calypso 10197 10207
Camembert 9974 10102
Cantal 9978 9980
Cape Cod 9969 10097
Cape Cod N 10158 10153
Cape Never 10014 10021
Cashmere Lands 9953 10089
castles of rosered 9998 10068
CFB Georgetown 10208 10214
Charlotte 10122 10121
Cinder Moon 10017 10011
Cinder Moon Keep 10017 10010
Cinder Moon Shire 10017 10009
Cinder Waves 9901 9902
Circle Sea 12032 12048
Clearwater Falls 10037 10055
Clockwork Boy 10033 10033
Cloudburst Roads 9989 10101
Colonial Williamsburg 10104 10109
Commonwealth 10000 10028
Commonwealth University 10000 10030
COOL 9990 9981
Cote de Soleil 9974 10101
Creataceous Park 9964 10250
Crom 10011 9994
Crystalwind 10166 10178
Dark Manor 9996 9996
Dark Obsessions 9953 10007
Darkness Falls 10002 10002
Demon Island 9030 9030
Doggerland 10050 10120
Dream Hunt 10016 10019
Drive In Movie 10002 10034
Duke of Gloucester 10229 10299
Dunaromin 10216 10212
Dunaromin 2 10219 10213
East Georgia Strait 12033 12045
East Juan de Fuca Strait 12031 12045
Easthaven 10001 10050
Eldamar 12044 12046
Elsewhere 10008 9990
Ember Bay 9902 9901
Ember Isle 9898 9898
Ember Sands 9899 9901
Emerald Shores 10155 10165
Eternium 10007 9996
Euthopia 10002 10017
EverRealm 9999 9981
Fallen Sea 10168 10170
Fantasy 10020 9995
Far Beach 9957 10085
farm 10006 9900
Felindar 10006 9997
Feyfathom 10020 10014
Feywater 10020 10012
FINDS Furniture 10000 10002
Fire & Palms 9902 9900
Flame Coast 9902 9898
Flames 10660 10660
FLR 1000 9967
Flying High Club 9998 10070
Forest Hill Farm 9981 10000
Forest Hills Farm 9982 9999
Forge by the Sea 9899 9899
Forge on the Reef 9899 9898
ForgeFlare 9902 9899
Free Apartments 10001 10000
Free LAND 10002 10001
Gantl 9989 10105
Gatecrashers 9999 10000
Georgetown 10210 10212
Georgetown Heights 10210 10214
Gold Mountain Bay 9985 10101
Gorean Lifestyles 10230 10230
Grateful Friends Charity Village 9976 10101
Habitat 10001 10002
Haidasu 12032 12046
Happy Zone Freebie Mall 9975 10000
Haro Strait 12036 12041
Haverford Hall 10123 10120
Heatwave Forge 9900 9898
Hidden Lake 10014 9994
Holiday Haven 10005 10004
Hood Canal 12028 12043
hospital 10058 10005
Hot Sands Forge 9898 9902
HS1 9993 9997
HS10 9996 9993
HS11 9995 9993
HS12 9994 9993
HS13 9993 9993
HS14 9993 9994
HS15 9993 9995
HS16 9993 9996
HS2 9994 9997
HS3 9995 9997
HS4 9996 9997
HS5 9997 9997
HS6 9997 9996
HS7 9997 9995
HS8 9997 9994
HS9 9997 9993
Inner Bay 9977 10101
Iona E 10020 10007
Iona W 10018 10007
Iron Horizon 9900 9900
Ironwave 9899 9902
Isla Fantasia 10020 9997
Isla PR 9993 10024
Jane 120120 10122
Jerry Garcia Archive Museum 9975 10101
Juriza 10018 10009
Kaleera Bay 10008 9996
Kansas wheatfield 10000 9900
Kimba 1014 1014
KNWR Radio 10004 10020
Lab 1 1000 1000
Lab 2 900 900
Lab 3 2000 2000
Lab 4 2100 2100
Lab 5 888 888
Last of Boston 10098 10106
Lava Breeze 9901 9898
Lefevre Forest 10007 9997
lena 1003 9993
library 10002 9900
LIFE 12040 12040
Lighthouse 10014 10019
Limonges 5000 5000
Little Willow Bay 9981 10097
LittleBird Island 10026 10009
Lonely Lands 9961 10093
Lucidus 10100 10100
lukacloe 10012 10007
Luna Sanctuary 9946 10010
Luxury Lands 9965 10089
Macros 10045 10046
Magicland 9995 9995
Marin Causeway 9985 10109
Mariner's Bay 9946 10059
Matilda 1012 1012
Maui 9999 10036
MauMau 10000 10011
Melanie 10121 10124
Menthe 10006 9996
Miami Lands 9969 10089
Milamber 10045 10045
Misery 10032 9944
Misty Lands 9977 10097
Molten Coast 9901 9901
Molten Palms 9898 9900
Mooncastle Island 9970 10040
Moonglow 9975 10102
Moose Creek 9993 9949
Morgants Strand 9960 10028
Morgants Xmas 10119 10119
Music Arts Village 9976 10102
Mystic Manor 9994 9994
Na Sioga 10018 10011
Naveah Isle 9953 10002
Nazatitun 10177 9996
Neptunia 10009 9944
Never Depot 10001 9999
Never Harbor 9999 9999
Never Plaza 10000 10001
Never Village 10000 9999
Neverdie 10000 9998
Neverworld Admin Offices 10050 10000
Neverworld Landscaping 9999 9998
New Commonwealth 10098 10104
New Mexico 10010 9900
North Bay Islands 9977 10089
North Darcy 10000 10053
Norwegian Sea 9957 10070
Notable 9993 10023
November Moon 10020 10015
Nowhere 10059 10008
NW Design Center 9982 10118
NW Design Mall 10002 10020
NW Design Town 10002 10022
NW Design Tropical 10000 10020
NW Design Urban 10000 10022
NW Design Woodland 10000 10024
NW Welcome 10000 10000
NWBB Spotlights 10218 10200
NWBB9 10218 10198
NW_Enterprise 10089 10095
NY Zone 10030 9942
Nyagumi 10170 10000
Ocean 10176 10166
Ocean Forge 9898 9901
Old School 9997 9949
Omaha 9994 10001
Opensim Memorial Gardens 10018 10021
Orbit City 10168 10186
Otte2BGood 1017 1017
Paradigm 9987 10020
Party 9993 9991
Pavia 9992 9998
Pelican Harbor 9981 10101
Peregrine Pines 20848 20848
pet-memorial 10004 9900
Port Alberni 12034 12043
Port Angeles 12032 12041
Port Bellingham 12034 12041
Port Lands 9977 10093
Port Ludlow 12026 12043
Port Roberts 12030 12043
Port Townsend 12028 12041
Port Vancouver 12036 12043
Port Victoria 12032 12043
Potter Lands 9961 10097
Puget Sound East 12032 12039
Queensland 9990 10014
Raceway 9996 9994
RatzCatz 10030 9970
Redgrave Designs 9999 10001
Requiem 10001 9998
Resident Assets Pick Up 2 A 1025 1025
Resident Assets2 9808 9808
Rexa 9987 10014
Rhett 10122 10124
Rosario Strait 12030 12041
Rouergue3 9980 9982
Rouergue4 9982 9982
Rouge Vineyards 9981 10105
Sample 1x1 10002 10000
Sample 2x2 9998 10003
Sams Bondage Castle 9982 10001
Sanctuary Hills 10098 10102
Sandbox 10014 10023
Scarlett 10122 101222
Shadow Mountain 10037 10050
Shadowlands 9993 10101
Shatzi 1016 1016
Shemale World 9983 10001
Sherry's Paradise 10012 10127
Shimmering Holm 9996 10080
Shop Drop Freebie Mall 10051 10005
Shopping Center 10003 9969
Signature Safety 10308 10308
Silly Brats 10000 10008
Silver Atoll 9953 9998
Silver Island 9981 10038
Silverbell Lands 9953 10085
SingleGirl 1081 1081
Skari 9988 10018
Sky Lands 9981 10093
SlenderMansLair 10000 10014
SmokeTown 9994 10018
Smokey Sound 9985 10105
Snow Lands 9957 10097
Solange 8004 8020
Somewhere 10011 9990
Soscol Waterway 9981 10109
South Bay Islands 9977 10085
Starfleet Command 10100 10095
Steam Lands 9965 10093
Steel & Surf 9901 9900
Steel Breeze 9899 9900
Steel Reef 9900 9901
Steelwave 9900 9899
Stilwater 10102 10098
Storm Bay 9977 10105
sugar 1020 1010
Sugar House 9980 10010
Sugar Lands 9949 10085
Sunfire Forge 9900 9902
SunForge 9902 9902
Sunset Bay 9956 1001
SurferGirl 1081 1082
Sweet Serenity 10007 9981
Tanks 10098 10111
Tejas 10012 10019
Teleport Island 10001 10001
Test Region 10500 10500
Thalassa Sea 10100 10098
The Enclave 9998 10001
The Feydeep 10020 10009
The Feywilds 10022 10012
The Glowing Sea 10100 10102
The Keys 9957 10059
The Last Days of Innocence 10010 10002
The Magic Forest 10002 10036
The Squirrels Nest 10030 9944
Thornhollow 10089 10099
Three Wishes 1000 9962
Thunder Lands 9957 10093
Tiki Islands 10032 10050
Timber Land 9953 9996
Tirion Forest 12041 12046
Toga Bay 10028 9946
Tomorrowland 9995 9994
Toontown 9995 9996
Toulon 15010 15010
Toulouse Keys 10012 10021
Tranapi 10172 9996
Tranquil Cove 9973 10085
Tranquil Sea 9800 9800
Turbulent Deep 10102 10100
Unadecal's place 20000 20000
Unicorn Heaven 9980 10000
Vagabond 9985 10027
Vagabond2 9986 10027
Vallas Garden 10010 10023
Valley of the Moons 9989 10109
Vancouver Island 10012 10037
Vario Kart 9996 9995
Vehicle Sandbox 1000 1008
Vinyamar 12044 12048
Viola Chip 1013 1013
Virtual Conservation 9999 9990
Virtual Conservation Bay 10001 9990
Virtual Recall 9994 10014
Waterpark 9994 9996
West Georgia Strait 12032 12045
West Juan de Fuca Strait 12034 12045
Westhaven 9965 10085
White Lion 10153 10000
Wild Kingdom 9973 10093
WildsIsland 9965 10007
Williamsburg 10300 10300
Willow Creek 9989 9994
Willow Creek Farm 9998 10008
xeno 10004 9993
xitta 10003 10005
Yabadaba Do 9963 10250
Zuri 10170 10004

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